Juan's Publications
Voice enabling mobile applications with UIVoice.
Ahmad Bisher Tarakji, Jian Xu, Juan A. Colmenares and Iqbal Mohomed.
In Proc. of the 1st Int'l Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys'18). Co-located with ACM MobiSys'18.
Munich, Germany. June 2018.
A single-node datastore for high-velocity multidimensional data.
Juan A. Colmenares, Reza Dorrigiv and Daniel G. Waddington.
In Proc. of the 2017 IEEE Int'l Conference on Big Data (Big Data 2017).
Boston, MA, USA. December 2017.
doi:10.1109/BigData.2017.8257956 |
Extended Preprint: arXiv:1707.00825
Power consumption models for multi-tenant server infrastructures.
Matteo Ferroni, Andrea Corna, Andrea Damiani, Rolando Brondolin,
Juan A. Colmenares, Steven Hofmeyr,
John D. Kubiatowicz and Marco D. Santambrogio.
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO). Volume 14 (4). 2017
Efficient detection of points of interest from georeferenced visual content.
Ying Lu and Juan A. Colmenares.
In Proc. of the 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL Int'l Workshop on Analytics for Big Geospatial Data (BigSpatial 2017).
Los Angeles Area, CA. November 2017.
doi:10.1145/3150919.3150920 |
Extended Preprint: arXiv:1706.00757
Time-sharing redux for large-scale HPC systems.
Steven Hofmeyr, Costin Iancu, Juan A. Colmenares, Eric Roman and Brian Austin.
In Proc. of the 18th IEEE Int'l Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2016).
Sydney, Australia. December 2016.
Enabling power-awareness for the Xen Hypervisor.
Matteo Ferroni, Juan A. Colmenares,
Steven Hofmeyr, John D. Kubiatowicz and Marco D. Santambrogio.
In Proc. of the 2016 Embedded Operating System Workshop (EWiLi'16). Co-located with the Embedded Systems Week.
Pittsburgh, PA, USA. October 2016.
Also in ACM SIGBED Review 15(1). February 2018. doi:10.1145/3199610.3199615
Enabling performance exploration and analysis for multi-parametric systems.
Younghwan Go and Juan A. Colmenares.
In Proc. of the 2016 Embedded Operating System Workshop (EWiLi'16). Co-located with the Embedded Systems Week.
Pittsburgh, PA, USA. October 2016.
NbQ-CLOCK: A non-blocking queue-based CLOCK algorithm for web-object caching.
Gage Eads and Juan A. Colmenares.
In Proc. of the 2014 Int'l Conference on Internet Computing and Big Data (ICOMP'14). WORLDCOMP'14.
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. July 2014.
.pdf | Extended version: Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2013-174.
Building an adaptive operating system for predictability and efficiency.
Gage Eads, Juan A. Colmenares,
Steven Hofmeyr, Sarah Bird, Davide Bartolini, David Chou, Brian Glutzman,
Krste Asanović, and John D. Kubiatowicz.
EECS Department. University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2014-137
July 7, 2014.
A scalable high-performance in-memory key-value cache using a microkernel-based design.
Daniel G. Waddington, Juan A. Colmenares, Jilong Kuang, and Reza Dorrigiv.
Samsung Research America.
Technical Report No. TR-SRA-SV-CSL-2014-1
January 31, 2014.
KV-Cache: A scalable high-performance web-object caching for manycore. (Runner-up for the Best Paper Award)
Daniel G. Waddington, Juan A. Colmenares, Jilong Kuang, and Fengguang Song.
In Proc. of the 6th IEEE/ACM Int'l Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2013).
Dresden, Germany. December 2013.
For an extensive evaluation of KV-Cache and details on KV-Blaster, our workload
generation system, consult Technical Report No.
Tessellation: Refactoring the OS around explicit resource containers with continuous adaptation (Invited Paper).
Juan A. Colmenares, Gage Eads, Steven Hofmeyr, Sarah Bird,
Miquel Moretó, David Chou, Brian Gluzman, Eric Roman, Davide B. Bartolini, Nitesh Mor,
Krste Asanović, and John Kubiatowicz.
In Proc. of the 50th Annual Design Automation Conference (DAC 2013). Special Session: The Future of Operating Systems for Embedded Systems and Software.
Austin, Texas, USA. June 2013.
Also in the book:
The Berkeley Par Lab: Progress in the Parallel Computing Landscape
(Part III: The System Stack. Chapter 15)
A multi-core operating system with QoS-guarantees for network audio applications.
Juan A. Colmenares, Nils Peters, Gage Eads, Ian Saxton, Israel Jacquez, John D. Kubiatowicz, and David Wessel.
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. Vol. 61 (4), pp. 174-184. 2013.
Also in the book:
The Berkeley Par Lab: Progress in the Parallel Computing Landscape
(Part I: The Applications. Chapter 7)
Juggle: Addressing extrinsic load imbalances in SPMD applications on multicore computers.
Steven Hofmeyr, Juan A. Colmenares, Costin Iancu, and John Kubiatowicz.
Cluster Computing. Volume 16 (2), pp. 299-319. 2013.
A soft real-time, parallel GUI service in Tessellation many-core OS. (Best Paper Award)
Albert Kim, Juan A. Colmenares, Hilfi Alkaff, and John Kubiatowicz.
In Proc. of the ISCA 27th Int'l Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA 2012).
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. March 2012.
Real-time musical applications on an experimental operating system for multi-core processors.
Juan A. Colmenares, Eric Battenberg, Rimas Aviienis, Ian Saxton, Nils Peters,
Krste Asanović, John Kubiatowicz, and David Wessel.
In Proc. of the 2011 Int'l Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2011).
Huddersfield, England. July 2011.
Juggle: Proactive load balancing on multicore computers.
Steven Hofmeyr, Juan A. Colmenares, Costin Iancu, and John Kubiatowicz.
In Proc. of the 20th Int'l ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC-20).
San Jose, CA, USA. June 2011.
doi:10.1145/1996130.1996134 | Erratum: In this version we fixed a typo in Figure 4.
Real-time multicast and memory replication channels with delay bounded error detection and retry capabilities.
Jing Qian, K. H. (Kane) Kim, Zhen Zhang, Juan A. Colmenares,
Kyun-Deok Moon, Jun Hee Park, Doo-Hyun Kim, and Kee-Wook Rim.
In Proc. of the 14th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Object/Component/Service-oriented Real-time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2011).
Newport Beach, CA, USA. March 2011.
Resource management in the Tessellation manycore OS.
Juan A. Colmenares, Sarah Bird, Henry Cook, Paul Pearce, David Zhu, John Shalf,
Steven Hofmeyr, Krste Asanović, and John Kubiatowicz.
In Proc. of the 2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism (HotPar'10).
Berkeley, CA, USA. June 2010.
Real-time component-based software architecture for QoS-adaptive networked multimedia applications.
Juan A. Colmenares, K. H. (Kane) Kim, Chaedeok Lim, Zhen Zhang, and Kee-Wook Rim.
In Proc. of the 13th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Object/Component/Service-oriented Real-time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2010).
Parador de Carmona, Seville, Spain. May 2010.
Experimental evaluation of a hybrid approach for deriving service-time bounds of methods in real-time distributed computing objects.
Juan A. Colmenares, K. H. (Kane) Kim, and Doo-Hyun Kim.
In Analysis, Architectures and Modelling of Embedded Systems. (Proc. of the Int'l Embedded Systems Symposium 2009 (IESS'09). Langenargen, Germany.)
A. Rettberg, M. Zanella, M. Amann, M. Keckeisen, and F. Rammig (Editors).
IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing), Volume 310. Springer Boston, USA. ISBN: 978-3-642-04283-6.
September 2009.
Incorporation of security mechanisms into the TMO scheme for real time distributed computing.
K. H. (Kane) Kim, Juan A. Colmenares, Moon-Cheol Kim, Zhen Zhang, Qian Zhou, Doo Hyun Kim, and Stephen S. Yau.
In Proc. of the First Int'l Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Dependable Distributed Systems (STFSSD 2009).
Tokyo, Japan. March 2009.
Realization of an adaptive distributed sound system based on global-time-based coordination and listener location.
Emmanuel Henrich, Juan A. Colmenares, Keizo Fujiwara, Chansik Im, K. H. (Kane) Kim, and Liangchen Zheng.
In Proc. of the 11th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Object/Component/Service-oriented Real-time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2008).
Orlando, Florida, USA. May 2008.
Measurement techniques in a hybrid approach for deriving tight execution-time bounds of program segments in fully-featured processors.
Juan A. Colmenares, Chansik Im, K. H. (Kane) Kim, Raymond Klefstad, and Chae-Deok Lim.
In Proc. of the 14th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2008).
St. Louis, MO, USA. April 2008.
Maximizing concurrency and analyzable timing behavior in component-oriented real-time distributed computing application systems.
K. H. (Kane) Kim and Juan A. Colmenares.
KIISE Journal of Computing Science and Engineering. Vol. 1 (1), pp. 56-73. 2007.
A software architecture for the development of industrial automation high level applications in the petroleum industry.
Guido Urdaneta, Juan A. Colmenares, Nelson Arapé, Carlos Arévalo, Nestor V. Queipo,
Mirché Ruz, Héctor Corzo, and Andreína Romero.
Computer in Industry. Vol. 58 (1), pp. 35-45. 2007.
Compadres: a lightweight component middleware framework for composing distributed, real-time, embedded systems with real-time Java.
Jie Hu, Shruti Gorappa, Juan A. Colmenares, and Raymond Klefstad.
In Proc. of the ACM/IFIP/USENIX 8th Int'l Middleware Conference (Middleware 2007). LNCS 4834.
Newport Beach, CA, USA. November 2007.
Recent additions on the application programming interface of the TMO support middleware.
K. H. (Kane) Kim, Juan A. Colmenares, Liangchen Zheng, Sheng Liu, Qian Zhou, and Moon-Cheol Kim.
In Composition of Embedded Systems: Scientific and Industrial Issues. 13th Monterey Workshop 2006. Revised Selected Papers.
F. Kordon and O. Sokolsky (Editors).
LNCS 4888. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-540-77418-1.
September 2007.
Efficient adaptations of the non-blocking buffer for event message communication between real-time threads.
K. H. (Kane) Kim, Juan A. Colmenares, and Kee-Wook Rim.
In Proc. of the 10th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Object/Component/Service-oriented Real-time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2007).
Satorini Island, Greece. May 2007.
Identification and removal of program slice criteria for code size reduction in embedded systems.
Mark Panahi, Trevor Harmon, Juan A. Colmenares, Shruti Gorappa, and Raymond Klefstad.
In Embedded System Design: Topics, Techniques and Trends. (Proc. of the Int'l Embedded Systems Symposium 2007 (IESS'07). Irvine, CA, USA.)
A. Rettberg, M. Zanella, R. Domer, A. Gerstlauer, and F. Rammig (Editors).
IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing), Volume 231. Springer Boston, USA. ISBN: 978-0-387-72257-3.
May 2007.
A component framework for real-time Java.
Juan A. Colmenares, Shruti Gorappa, Mark Panahi, and Raymond Klefstad.
In Proc. of the 12th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2006). Work-in-Progress Session.
San Jose, California, USA. April 2006.
Efficient global optimization algorithm with coupled additive model [in Spanish].
Juan Colmenares Diaz and Salvador Pintos Mantegani.
Ciencia. Vol. 13 (2), pp. 193-204. 2005. ISSN 1315-2076.
RTZen: highly predictable, real-time Java middleware for distributed and embedded systems.
Krishna Raman, Yue Zhang, Mark Panahi, Juan A. Colmenares, Raymond Klefstad, and Trevor Harmon.
In Proc. of the ACM/IFIP/USENIX 6th Int'l Middleware Conference (Middleware 2005). LNCS 3790.
Grenoble, France. December 2005.
Patterns and tools for achieving predictability and performance with real-time Java.
Krishna Raman, Yue Zhang, Mark Panahi, Juan A. Colmenares, and Raymond Klefstad.
In Proc. of the 11th IEEE Int'l Conference on Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2005).
Hong Kong, China. August 2005.
Tool-based configuration of real-time CORBA middleware for embedded systems.
Shruti Gorappa, Juan A. Colmenares, Hojjat Jafarpour, and Raymond Klefstad.
In Proc. of the 8th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2005).
Seattle, Washington, USA. May 2005.
2003 and Before
Component-based software development [in Spanish].
Jonas A. Montilva, Nelson Arapé, and Juan A. Colmenares.
In Proc. of the 4th Congress of Automation and Control (CAC 2003).
Mérida, Venezuela. November 2003.
On the development of an enhanced least-loaded strategy for the CORBA load balancing and monitoring service.
Nelson Arapé, Juan A. Colmenares, and Nestor V. Queipo.
In Proc. of the 16th ISCA Int'l Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS 2003).
Reno, Nevada, USA. August 2003.
Surrogate modeling-based optimization for the integration of static and dynamic data into a reservoir description.
Nestor V. Queipo, Salvador Pintos, Nestor Rincón, Nemrod Contreras, and Juan A. Colmenares.
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Vol. 35, pp. 167-181. 2002.
A wireless production data visualization system for the oil and gas industry.
Guido Urdaneta, Juan A. Colmenares, Nelson Arapé, Nestor V. Queipo, Carlos Arévalo, Carlos Gonzalez, and José Quintero.
In Proc. of the 6th Int'l Conference on Petroleum Data Integration e-Commerce and Data Management.
Houston, Texas, USA. April 2002.
A CORBA and web technology based framework for the analysis and optimal design of complex systems in the oil industry.
Carlos Arévalo, Juan A. Colmenares, Nestor V. Queipo, Nelson Arapé, and Jorge Villalobos.
In Enterprise Information Systems III.
(Selection of best papers from the 3rd Int'l Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2001). Setúbal, Portugal. July 2001.)
J.Filipe, B.Sharp and P. Miranda (Editors).
Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN: 1-4020-0563-6.
April 2002.
A component-based automation architecture for continuous process industries.
Guido Urdaneta, Juan A. Colmenares, Carlos Arévalo, Nestor V. Queipo, Jorge Villalobos, and Seida Angel.
In Proc. of the 5th EDA Int'l Conference on Engineering Design and Automation.
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. August 2001.
A CORBA and web technology based framework for the analysis and optimal design of complex systems.
Carlos Arévalo, Juan A. Colmenares, Nelson Arapé, and Nestor V. Queipo.
In Proc. of the 12th IASTED Int'l Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems.
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. November 2000.
Integration of voice, video and data over TCP/IP networks for traffic supervision and control applications at the Lake Maracaibo Bridge [in Spanish].
Carlos Arévalo, Juan A. Colmenares, Gustavo Oquendo, Nestor V. Queipo, and Cosimo Stufano.
In Proc. of the 5th National Congress of Multimedia and Videoconference.
Maracaibo, Venezuela. October 1999.